I’ve listed some of my services in How I can Help, but sometimes you may not know exactly what you want help with.

So I thought you might like to see some case studies of problems that can arise and how I can provide a solution. I’ll be adding to these over time, so check back if you want to see what else has been going on.

question-mark You’re busy working on a project for a customer, but you know that you’ve got other people who need your time and attention.

You need to stop what you’re doing and contact them to make appointments in your diary. But this project has a deadline looming and it could mean penalties if it’s not met.

I can help. You can direct people to me and if you can give me access to your calendar (there are various options, depending on which calendar system you use) I can make appointments for them to see you and make sure I give you time in between meetings to get from one place/person to the next.

question-mark You’ve booked yourself a stand at a really important conference/show and you can set up your stand the night before.

Suddenly, you can’t get there in time to set it up.

What’s more, on the day of the show, you really need to go round and network with customers or other exhibitors, but that would mean there’s no-one to man the stand for you.

I’ve had lots of experience in setting up stands at exhibitions and I’m a whiz with pop-ups (I’m quite tall, so that helps!). I collect all your kit from you, or meet you on the road somewhere convenient, if you’re out and about. I set up the stand and I’m there for you the next day to provide cover, while you go around the event, doing business.

Alternatively, if you’re fine to attend the event, but don’t have anyone to man your office while you’re out, you may need someone there to answer the phones, be there for deliveries, visiting customers etc.

I can help with that, too!

question-mark You’re working to a deadline, with orders to fulfill and time is precious.

Suddenly, you find you’ve got problems with one of your suppliers and the issue needs attention, maybe phone calls back and forth with information, possibly a three way liaison between you, the supplier and your customer. It may not take very long, but it will be time away from what you really need to do.

I’m great with people, both in person and on the phone. I’m very calm and polite and a good listener. I can also see different points of view in a discussion and I’m good at helping others to do the same.  I can either help on the phone (or Skype) where I am, or I can come into your office, your supplier’s office or your customer’s office and help the situation reach a happy conclusion.